free of tax artinya
- After its completion he had to import it back into Britain; Llewellyn Jewitt records that he nearly imported it free of tax but a late objection obliged him to pay import tax.
Setelah menyelesaikannya ia harus mengirimnya ke Inggris, Llewellyn Jewitt mencatat bahwa ia hampir mengimpornya bebas pajak namun kemudian diminta untuk membayar pajak impor. - if it is very likely that your company will one day be sold. You can then transfer the profit from selling the company to the holding BV free of tax, by virtue of the Dutch participation exemption.
jika sangat mungkin bahwa perusahaan Anda suatu hari akan dijual. Anda kemudian dapat mentransfer keuntungan dari menjual perusahaan ke BV holding bebas pajak, berdasarkan pembebasan partisipasi Belanda.